
Syringa's bookshelf: read

Le livre du voyage
Prom Nights from Hell
The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future
Le Jeûne
Le petit guide de la cure de raisin
Le Libraire De Selinonte
Benedict Cumberbatch: The Biography
Exploration Fawcett: Journey to the Lost City of Z
Le vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire
Le tour du monde en 80 jours
Professeur Cherche élève Ayant Désir De Sauver Le Monde
Elif Gibi Sevmek
Hikâyem Paramparça
The Enchantress of Florence
Anglais BTS 1re & 2e années Active Business Culture
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Le pouvoir politique et sa représentation - Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis

Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

jeudi 31 juillet 2014

Professeur cherche élève ayant désir de sauver le monde - Daniel Quinn

« Ce qui m’étonnait le plus, c’est qu’au lieu de vanter ses qualités de pédagogue comme un autre l’aurait fait, ce prof-là avait l’air de demander un service. Comme si c’était lui qui avait besoin de l’élève, et non l’inverse. »

« Les minutes se traînaient comme des après-midi pluvieux. »

« Vous avez l’impression que la sagesse ne peut venir de vous. Vous savez fabriquer de merveilleux gadgets électroniques, envoyer des vaisseaux dans l’espace, pénétrer au cœur de l’atome. Mais la notion du savoir-vivre le plus élémentaire et le plus essentiel vous est étrangère. »

« Vous trouvez parfaitement logique d’être obligés de travailler pour obtenir ce que toutes les autres créatures sur terre ont à leur disposition. Vous êtes les seuls à mettre la nourriture sous clef pour ensuite travailler dur afin de la récupérer, et les seuls à trouver que cela va de soi. »

« Les professeurs ont besoin de leurs élèves pour avancer dans leur voyage, continuer leurs explorations. »

« Ishmael me demanda si j’avais vu grandir des frères et sœurs plus jeunes que moi. Je lui répondis que non.
‘Alors tu n’as pas pu te rendre compte à quel point les enfants en bas âge sont de véritables machines à apprendre, les plus puissantes de tout l’univers connu. Ils acquièrent sans aucun mal autant de langues qu’on en parle chez eux. Nul besoin de les faire asseoir dans une salle de classe pour les assener des cours de grammaire et de vocabulaire, ni de leur infliger des devoirs ou des examens. Pour eux, connaître une ou deux langues maternelles n’est pas du tout une corvée, puisqu’ils y trouvent tout de suite leur compte et y prennent beaucoup de plaisir. »

« Tu verras, dans les années à venir, de plus en plus de gens intelligents et tout à fait normaux seront attirés par les sectes et voudront en faire partie, non parce qu’ils seront fous, mais parce que la secte leur offrira ce qu’ils désirent véritablement et qu’ils ne peuvent obtenir dans le monde de Ceux-qui-prennent. Ce soutien réciproque est bien davantage qu’une simple façon de subsister, c’est un mode de vie profondément satisfaisant sur le plan humain. Les gens aiment vivre ainsi. »

« Que vous soyez avocats, médecins, agents de change, réalisateurs de films, industriels, leaders politiques, étudiants, marchands de frites ou balayeurs, il vous faudra tous, autant que vous êtes, jouer les professeurs. »

Professeur cherche élève ayant désir de sauver le monde – Daniel Quinn

mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch The Biography - Justin Lewis

« What had marked him out early, though, was a refusal to chase populist parts for their own sake. He had always opted for the route of quality work, and had never committed to long runs of a television series. This enabled him to avoid being typecast in one role. »

« By being occasional, Sherlock always feels like special television. ‘I just want to bring people in a little bit to the idea of sitting down on a Sunday three consecutive weeks,’ Cumberbatch told America’s National Public Radio in 2012, ‘and having that water-cooler moment, that really was a sort of national sensation in the UK. It was an extraordinary cultural moment.’ »

« ‘He’s a handsome, remote genius,’ offered Sherlock co-creator Steven Moffat. ‘He’s impersonating a glacier but actually he’s a volcano – or actually that’s what I imagine his frantic and amorous female following are thinking.’ »

« A restless toddler, Benedict showed little sign of controlling his energy during his first years in education. »

« I probably had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or something on the border of it. I was always performing, doing silly voices. »

« His whisky beaten, cigarette stained voice aptly captured the personality of the philandering private eye. »

« The second hald of his gap year found him in Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, where he taught English to Buddhist monks for an organisation appropriately called GAP. He was able to live with the monks, and witness all their daily rituals, including working and praying. ‘They taught me about the duplicity of human nature, but also the humanity of it, and the ridiculous sense of humour you need to live a full spiritual life.’ »

« He wasn’t starry-eyed. »

« ‘Sherlock Holmes explained,’ said the Doctor Who writer. ‘Superman never told you how he flew, he just did. The Doctor never says a word about how the Tardis can be bigger on the inside, it just was. But Sherlock can’t wait to tell you how the trick is done – and I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out.’ »

« He has a really strong and assured way with language, and he’s quick and able to play quick thinkers as a result, people who are mercurial. »

« Cumberbatch had a reputation for working hard, and despite his determination to keep himself in trim (plenty of swimming, yoga and honey), sometimes this led to lapses in his health. »

« He has revealed that he could not learn these speeches ‘parrot fashion’. Instead, he explained : ‘In rehearsals, repetition, ‘actioning’ the script, a Stanislavski-based method of understanding the why, what and how of the part by applying transitive verbs to each line, association with that action, the cue line and any blocking all act as triggers to remember the line.’ Although he acknowledged that ‘a patient assistant director or girlfriend’ was helpful too. »

« If he wasn’t being cast as someone posh, it was as someone clever or creative, scientists, mathematicians, artists. »

« ‘There’s something of the Alan Rickman about him,’ said the Guardian. »

« I want to have my Daniel Craig moment ! »

Benedict Cumberbatch The Biography – Justin Lewis

mardi 22 juillet 2014

Elif gibi sevmek - Hikmet Anil Öztekin

« Kalem senin ! Mürekkebin de var ! Elif’i yazacak kagidin da var !
Kalem senin iradene yön veren aklin,
Mürekkep seni sen yapan muhabbetin,
Kagit ise içinde asigi da masugu da besleyip yasatacagin gönlündür.
Aklin iradene sahip çikip muhabbetine versin kendini ve o muhabbeti kalbine islesin.
Elif olarak islesin..
Elif gibi dosdogru..
Elif gibi ilk..
Elif gibi dimdik.. »

« kitaplari seven, okuyan, kilan,
sadece vuslata degil hasrete de Eyvallahi olan,
kendi çayini kendi demleyen,
dostlara Selam olsun.. »

« Ismin ;
Sevmenin tarifi,
Yazdiklarimin özeti, sevdamin adiydi,
Ismin, Elif’ti.. »

« Geldigim yerlerde,
suya benzetirdim seni,
bogazim kurudu susuzluktan.. »

« Bu sabah öyle biz gibi ki Istanbul,
Elif’in dünyaya verdigi anlam gibi yagiyor kar gökten,
Bizim gibi birbirimize degmeden,
Bizim gibi ayri ayri eriyerek.. »

« Bir bilsen ne kadar özledim,
utani, nefes olur gelirsin… »

« Ilk kez okudugum kitabin sayfasini çevirirken yüzüme vuran esinti bile seni hatirlatiyor,
anilari geçtim ben, yeni her seyde sen varsin.. »

« Yâr,
bizim sevdamizi bir de kül olan o koca ormanda,
elif gibi dimdik duran,
nasibine, tek hecesine sevdali,
gözleri hasretten kabuk baglamis o çinarlara sor.. »

« Öyle ihtimaller denedim ki sana ;
bir keresinde bütün parami o eski kirmizi körüklü otobüslerde,
günlerce sensiz Istanbul’u gezmeye vermistim,
dünyadaki bütün teyzelere yer vermek için,
dünyadaki bütün teyzelerden ‘Allah sevdigine kavustursun yavrum’ duasi alabilmek için. »

« Sonra yandik on yillik bir sevda atesinde,
ne eller kalem tutar oldu ne gözler kurur,
bogazdaki dügüm kitledi nefesimizi, siirler durdu,
en son, elif gibi sevdik dedik kitap oldu.. »

« Özgür olacak sevdigin, her sey, dünya, para, heyecanlar kontrölünüzde olacak.
Korkmayacaksiniz hiçbir seyden, ötesi yok aslinda cehennemin dibine kadar birbirini sevmeye cesaret eden bir çift olacaksiniz »

« Aslinda sevmek bir kültür meselesidir. O kadar genis bir alginiz olacak ki, dinciden daha dindar olacaksiniz, en gezginden daha çok gezeceksiniz, en gevsekten daha çok güleceksiniz, en iyiden daha iyi sarilacaksiniz. »

« Yine erkeklik yapip Ikea’daki bütün örnek evleri alacagim sana. »

« Yetecek sana onun gözleri,
aydinlikta da karanlikta da… »

« Kitaplardan basini kaldirma ufaklik, dünya kötü bir yer..
Her yer ayrilik kokuyor,
Ve bunu hiçbir zaman unutma
En kalici ayrilik kokusunu en sevdiklerin sikar.. »

« Sevdiginin ;
her tebessümü cenneti sevme gerekçen,
her gözyasi ise cehenneme kelepçen.. »

« Ilk defa bu yil, günesin batisini dogusundan daha çok sevdim, ölümü sever gibi yani,
Annem yaslandigin içindir oglum dedi, »

« Gecenin en siyahinda gelir, yakamozun en güzeli.. »

« Sevmek,
belki bir gün okur diye,
sair olmaktir. »

« Sevdigine sadik olmayann Allah’a da olamaz !! »

Elif gibi sevmek – Hikmet Anil Öztekin

mercredi 9 juillet 2014

The Guernsey Lieterary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows

« I don’t want to be married just for the sake of being married. I can’t think of anything lonelier than spending the rest of my life with someone I can’t talk to, or worse, someone I can’t be silent with. »

« Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers. »

« That’s what I love about reading : one tiny thing will interest you in a book, and that tiny thing will lead you to another book, and another bit there will lead you on to a third book. It’s geometricaly progressive »

« Bath is a glorious town : lovely crescents of white, upstanding houses instead of London’s black, gloomy buildings or – worse still – piles of rubble that were once buildings. It is bliss to breathe in clean, fresh air with no coal smoke and no dust. The weather is cold, but it isn’t London’s dank chill. Even the people on the street look different – upstanding like their houses, not grey and hunched like Londoners. »

« Night-time train travel is wonderful again ! »

« I don’t consider myself a real peeper – they go in for bedrooms, but it’s families in sitting rooms or kitchen that thrill me. I can imagine their whole lives from a glimpse of bookshelves, or desks, or burning candles, or bright cushions. »

« The poor child had never seen so many men in one place in her life. Think of it – a whole generation grown up without dances or teas or flirting. »

« I look a lively, dashing, haute-coutured (if this isn’t a French verb, it should be) thirty. »

« I didn’t fire the delivery boy – I promoted him. He got me what I couldn’t manage to get for myself : an introduction to you. »

« Men are more interesting in books than they are in real life. »

« How did you know that I like white lilac above all flowers ? »

« Do you live by the river ? I hope so, because people who live near running water are much nicer than people who don’t. I’d be cross as a snake if I lived inland. »

« She’s one of those women who are more beautiful at sixty than they could possibly have been at twenty »

« I told her the story and she presented her cheek an infinitesimal quarter of an inch to be kissed. »

« ‘I’ve come to tell you my intentions.’
‘For my house ?’ I snapped.
‘No, for Elizabeth,’ he said. And that’s what he did – just as if I were the Victorian father and he the suitor. He perched on the edge of a chair in my drawing room and told me that he planned to come back to the Island the moment the war was over, marry Elizabeth, grow freesias, read, and forget about war. By the time he’d finished, I was a little bit in love with him myself. »

« How could I have ever considered marrying him ? One year as his wife, and I’d have become one of those abject, quaking women who look at their husbands when someone asks them a question. I’ve always despised that type, but I see how it happens now. »

« Remy, like most Frenchwomen, is practical. She would want evidence of Dawsey’s feelings for her before she changed her plans willy-nilly. »

« For now, I will ask Kit over for supper and to spend the night with me so that Juliet and Dawsey can have the freedom of shrubbery – just like Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. »

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows