
Syringa's bookshelf: read

Le livre du voyage
Prom Nights from Hell
The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future
Le Jeûne
Le petit guide de la cure de raisin
Le Libraire De Selinonte
Benedict Cumberbatch: The Biography
Exploration Fawcett: Journey to the Lost City of Z
Le vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire
Le tour du monde en 80 jours
Professeur Cherche élève Ayant Désir De Sauver Le Monde
Elif Gibi Sevmek
Hikâyem Paramparça
The Enchantress of Florence
Anglais BTS 1re & 2e années Active Business Culture
Réussir le commentaire grammatical de textes
Epreuve de traduction en anglais
Le commentaire littéraire anglais - Close Reading
Réussir l'épreuve de leçon au CAPES d'anglais - Sujets corrigés et commentés
Le pouvoir politique et sa représentation - Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis

Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

mardi 17 avril 2012

Stop What You're Doing and Read This!

In any 24 hours there might be sleeping, eating, kids, parents, friends, lovers, work, school, travel, deadlines, emails, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter, the news, the TV, Playstation, music, movies, sport, responsibilities, passions, desires, dreams.

Why should you stop what you're doing and read a book?

People have always needed stories. We need literature - novels, poetry - because we need to make sense of our lives, test our depths, understand our joys and discover what humans are capable of. Great books can provide companionship when we are lonely or peacefulness in the midst of an overcrowded daily life. Reading provides a unique kind of pleasure and no-one should live without it.

In the ten essays in this book some of our finest authors and passionate advocates from the worlds of science, publishing, technology and social enterprise tell us about the experience of reading, why access to books should never be taken forgranted, how reading transforms our brains, and how literature can save lives. In any 24 hours there are so many demands on your time and attention - make books one of them.

Carmen Callil - Tim Parks - Nicholas Carr - Michael Rosen - Jane Davis - Zadie Smith - Mark Haddon - Jeanette Winterson - Blake Morrison - Dr Maryanne Wolf & Dr Mirit Barzillai

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