
Syringa's bookshelf: read

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Prom Nights from Hell
The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View from the Future
Le Jeûne
Le petit guide de la cure de raisin
Le Libraire De Selinonte
Benedict Cumberbatch: The Biography
Exploration Fawcett: Journey to the Lost City of Z
Le vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire
Le tour du monde en 80 jours
Professeur Cherche élève Ayant Désir De Sauver Le Monde
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Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

jeudi 3 mars 2016

If I stay - Gayle Forman

"It feels like some cosmic coincidence."

"Kids were nice enough to me, but they tended to treat me as if I were a grown-up. Another teacher. And you don't flirt with your teachers."

"Just for the sake of experiment, I wiggle my nose like Samantha on Bewitched. Nothing happens. I snap my fingers. Click my heels. I'm still here."

"It turned out that coming from such far corners of the social universe had its downsides."

"The doctors keep coming around and pulling up my eyelids and waving around a flashlight. They are rough and hurried, like they don't consider eyelids worthy of gentleness. It makes you realize how little in life we touch one another's eyes. Maybe your parents will hold an eyelid up to get out a piece of dirt, or maybe your boyfriend will kiss your eyelids, light as a butterfly, just before you drift off to sleep. But eyeldis are not like elbows or knees or shoulders, parts of the body accustomed to be jostled."

"If I stay. If I live. It's up to me."

"My aversion to Adam's shows had nothing to do with the doubts. The same niggling doubts I always had about not belonging. I didn't feel like I belonged with my family, and now I didn't feel like I belonged with Adam, except unlike my family, who was stuck with me, Adam had chosen me, and this I didn't understand. Why had he fallen for me? It didn't make sense."

"Fake it till you make it."

"And it was like I knew, and that certainly planted itself in my belly like a warm secret."

If I stay - Gayle Forman

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