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Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

mardi 12 mai 2015

And the Mountains Echoed - Khaled Hosseini

« Once upon a time, in the days when divs and jinns and giants roamed the land, there lived a farmer named Baba Ayub. »

« Qais, who was three years old. Qais was a little boy with dark blue eyes. He charmed anyone who met him with his devilish laughter. »

« The sleepwalking stopped after a time, but Qais grew attached to the bell and refused to part with it. »

« A finger had to bec ut, to save the hand. »

«Have you ? it said in a voice thick as thunder. »

« I must say your courage rouses in me a surge of admiration. »

« The div pulled the curtains open. Behind it was a glass window. Through the window, Baba Ayub looked down on an enormous garden. Lines of cypress trees bordered the garden, the ground at their base filled with flowers of all colors. There were pools made of bluet iles, and marble terraces, and lush green lawns. Baba Ayub saw beautifully sculpted hedges and water fountains gurgling in the shade of pomegranate trees. In three lifetimes he could not have imagined a place so beautiful. »

« Someday, when he is a man, hem ay choose to leave, and he shall be free to do so. I suspect he will touch many lives with his kindness and bring happiness to those trapped in sorrow. »

« When you have lived as long as I have, the div replied, you find that cruelty and benevolence are but shades of the same color. Have you made your choice ? »

« From the bed of the wagon, Pari’s hand quickly slipped into Abdullah’s. She was looking up at him, her eyes liquid, and she was smiling her gap-toothed smile like no bad thing would ever befall her so long as he stood at her side. He closed his fingers around her hand, he way he did each night when he and his little sister slept in their cot, their skulls touching, their legs tangled. »

« They traded furtive happy glances, brother and sister, but saud little for fear of souring Father’s mood and spoiling their good fortune. »

« Inside the box were all of the feathers that Pari collected. They were her most cherished belongings. »

« It was for Pari that Shuja lost all composure. His love for her was vast and unclouded. She was his universe. »

« The oak towered over everything in Shadbagh and was the oldest living thing in the village. »

« This was his purpose, he believed, the reason God had made him, so he would be there to take care of Pari when He took away their mother. »

« Everything in the room was polished, free of dust. Abdullah had never in his life been so conscious of his own dirtiness. »

« If Masooma glanced in their direction, they looked idiotically privileged. They imagined they had shared a moment with her. She interrupted conversations midsentence, smokers mid-drag. She was the trembler of knees, the spiller of teacups. »

« A story is like a moving train : no matter where you hop onboard, you are bound to reach your destination sooner or later. »

« Not that it absolves me, but I was a young man, Mr. Markos, eager to take on the world, full of dreams, modest and vague as they may have been, and I pictured my youth ebbing away, my prospects increasingly truncated. So I left. To help provide for my sisters, yes, that is true. But also to escape. »

« I was dying a thousand deaths inside. »

« But one thing he always told us was this : that if you look at any Muslim’s palm, no matter where in the world, you will see something quite astonishing. They all have the same lines. Meaning what ? Meaning that the lines on a Muslim’s left hand make the Arabic number eighty-one, and the ones on the right the number eighteen. Substract eighteen from eighty-one and what do you get ? You get sixty-three. The Prophet’s age when he died, peace be upon him. »

« I went to bed that night feeling like I was perhaps more than ordinary myself. This was the effect she had on me. »

« She usually did most of the talking, which suited me well ; I was happy enough to be the vessel into which she poured her stories. »

« And she’s been given the perfect name : Pari. She is indeed as beauiful as a fairy. »

« He had all the furniture in Pari’s room painted yellow since he had discovered this was her favorite color. »

« He offered to accompany her to the hospital, but in a perfunctory way. It was a mere formality. »

« She does remember Julien saying, ‘Pari-like the city ?’ And from Maman the familiar reply, ‘No, without the s. It means ‘fairy’ in Farsi. »

« For instance, in Provence two yers earlier when Pari had seen a massive oak tree outisde a farmhouse. Another time at the Jardin des Tuileries when she had watched a young mother pull her son in a little red Radio Flyer Wagon. Pari didn’t understand. She read a story once about a middle-aged Turkish man who had suddenly slipped into a deep depression when the twin brother he never knew existed had suffered a fatal heart attack while on a canoe excursion in the Amazon rain forest. It was the closest anyone had ever come to articulating what she felt. »

« Creating means vandalizing the lives of other people, turning them into unwilling participants. You steal their desires, their dreams, pocket thei flaws, their suffering. You take what does not belong to you. You do this knowingly. »

« By the time the Berlin Wall comes down so have the walls in her academic life, and she has slowly won over most of her colleagues with her sensible demeanor and disarming sociability. »

« the Aegean, blue and calm in the summer morning, white-capped in the afternoon when the meltemi winds blew in from the north. »

« Madaline was one of those people to whom elegance came effortlessly as though it were a genetic skill, like the ability to curl your tongue into the shape of a tube. With Madaline, there was never a lull in the conversation ; stories just trilled out of her. One morning she told us about her travels – to Ankara, for instance, where she had strolled the banks of theEnguri Su and sipped green tea laced with raki, or the time she and Mr. Gianakos had gone to Kenya and ridden the backs of elephants among thorny acacias and even sat down to eat cornmeal mush and coconut rice with the local villagers. »

« Madaline said that in Ankara she had gone to a place called Kugulu Park and watched swans gliding in the water. She said the water was dazzling. »

« Thalia and I were upstairs, playing a game of tavli »

« Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given rndomly, stupidly. »

« If I’ve learned anything in Kabul, it is that human behaviour is messy and unpredicable and unconcerned with convenient symmetries. But I find comfort in it, in the idea of a pattern, of a narrative of my life taking shape, like a photograph in a darkroom, a story that slowly emerges and affirms the good I have always wanted to see in myself. It sustains me, this story. »

« He said that if culture was a house, then language was the key to the front door, to all the rooms inside. Without it, he said you ended up wayward, without a proper home or legitimate identity. »

« she has summoned her lost brother with this magic chant like a genie in a fairy tale. »

« Being alone with her on those weekend getaways was like curling up into a soft cloud. »

« Another nursery rhyme. This one about the bridge in Avignon. »

« It strikes the gray-metal-colored Rhône broadside and breaks on its surface into little shards of brightness. ‘Every French child knows this song.’ »

And the Mountains Echoed – Khaled Hosseini

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