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The Enchantress of Florence
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Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

mardi 25 mars 2014

The Enchantress of Florence - Salman Rushdie

« The water ran down from the edges of his mouth and hung on his shaven chin like a liquid beard. At length he handed back the empty gourd, gave a sigh of satisfaction, and wiped the beard away. »

« He could dream in seven languages : Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Russian, English and Portuguese. He had picked up languages the way most sailors picked up diseases ; languages were his gonorrhoea, his syphilis, his scurvy, his ague, his plague. As soon as he fell asleep half the world started babbling in his brain, telling wondrous travellers’ tales. In this half-discovered world every day brought news of fresh enchantments. »

« ‘because in my city, this veil of a word, this hidden bird, is a delicately euphemistic term for the organ of the male sex, and I take pride in that which I possess but do not have the ill grace to display.’ »

« ‘Ucello di Firenze’ had gone, leaving only that name behind like the abandoned skin of a snake. »

« Even the emperor succumbed to fantasy. Queens floated whithin his palaces like ghosts, Rajput and Turkish sultanas playing catch-me-if-you-can. »

« In the language of his forefathers the word for iron was timur. »

« an angry king was like a god who made mistakes. »

« when it’s time to unleash a few insults, a man will always choose his mother tongue. »

« After that she got to work, anointing him with civet and violet, magnolia and lily, narcissus and calembic, as well as drops of other occult fluids whose names he did not even like to ask, fluids extracted from the sap of Turkish, Cypriot and Chinese trees, as well as a wax from the intestines of a whale. »

« By then, however, the knowledge was of no use to him, except to remind him of what he should never have forgotten, that witchcraft requires no potions, familiar spirits or magic wands. Language upon a silvered tongue afford enchantment enough. »

« The silence thickened like curdled milk. »

« From the day of her birth she was nicknamed Qara Köz, which was to say Black Eyes, on account of the extraordinary power of those orbs to bewitch all upon whom they gazed. »

« Or who knows ? I might turn Turk myself. »

« ‘In the Rhetorica it’s called by the same name, the memory palace,’ il Machia answered. ‘You build a building in your head, you learn your way around it, and then you start attaching memories to its various features, its furniture, its decorations, whatever you choose. If you attach a memory to a particular location you can remember an enormosu amount by walking around the place in your head.’ »

« This young woman has had her own memories removed, or consigned to some high attic of the palace of memory which has been erected in her mind, and she has become the repository of everything her master needed to have remembered. What do we know of the Ottoman court ? This may be a commin practice among the Turks, or it may have been the tyrannical whim of a specific potentate, or one of his favourites. »

« ‘Arcalia the Turk,’ said the memory palace. ‘Wielder of the Enchanted Lance.’
‘That complete bastard,’ said Ago Vespucci, admiringly. ‘He did what he said he’d do. He went over to the other side.’ »

« He was a lover of tulips, and had them embroidered on to his tunics and cloaks, believing them to be bringers of good fortune, and of the fifteen hundred varieties of Stamboul tulip six in particular were to be found thronging his palace rooms. The Light of Paradise, the Matchless Pearl, the Increaser of Pleasure, the Instiller of Passion, the Diamond’s Envy and the Rose of the Dawn : these were his favourites, and by them he was revealed as a sensualist beneath his warrior’s exterior, a creature of pleasure hiding inside a killer’s skin, a female self within the male. »

« ‘Nobody in this place knows the meaning of fear,’ she replied, first in Persian and then again in Chaghatai, her Turkish mother tongue.
And beneath those words, the real words. Will you be mine. Yes. I am yours. »

« ‘You haven’t stopped being a child,’ Andrea Doria told him. ‘You still think that home, at the end of a long journey, is a place where a man finds peace.’ »

« ‘Damnation, Machia,’ he whispered, sweating lightly, the curse escaping his lips under the pressure of his emotions, after a long period during which he had forsaken swearing entirely, and the sack of dead thrushes fell from his hand. ‘I think I just rediscovered the meaning of human life.’ »

« Until you’re not, the Universal Ruler thought. My love, until you’re not. »

The Enchantress of Florence – Salman Rushdie

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