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Syringa Smyrna's favorite books »

lundi 20 janvier 2014

On Beauty - Zadie Smith

« Most of the cruelty in the world is just misplaced energy. »

« Kiki turned to her husband with a thesis for a face, of which only Howard could know every line and reference. »

« I’m sure i twill have proved to be a storm in a teacup. »

« We ? said Levi, with an expertly raised eyebrow – genetically speaking a direct gift from his mother. »

« He thought of his own father again – compared to him, Howard was Phileas Fogg. Travel had seemed the key to the kingdom, back then. One dreamed of a life that would enable travel. »

« England is not warmer than New England in July or August, that’s true. Probably not in June either. But it is warmer in October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May – that is, in every month when warmth matters. »

« Like many academics, Howard was innocent of the world. He could identify thirty different ideological trends in the social sciences, but did not really know what a software engineer was. »

« Considering things too much, all the time, was the definition of who he was. »

« Her elfin head  with its inch of closely cropped brown hair fitted neatly into her lover’s hand. »

« Poor Zora – she lived through footnotes. »

« And how kind of you to invite an old lady who you don’t even know from Adam. »

« I saw her, she’s so amazing, looks like Nefertiti. Didn’t you think so, Howard ? Like one of those statuaries in the bottom of the Fitzwilliam, in Cambridge. You’ve seen those, right ? Such an anciently wonderful face. »

« Zora Self-Improvement Programme for the fall : wake early, swim, class, light lunch, class, library, home. »

« Zora pushed forward an inch and then launched herself ; the water rushed up to her neck like a garment she was wearing. »

« He stood there nodding and smiling as if together they had just cracked the cure for cancer. »

« Apparently everybody gets special treatment – blacks, gays, liberals, women – everybody except poor white males. »

« his great love was the essay, and, if he were really honest with himself, beyond essays themselves, the tools of the essayist : dictionaries. It was in the shady groves of dictionaries that Jack fell in love, bowed his head in awe and thrilled at an unlikely tale, for example, the bizarre ethymology of the intransitive verb ‘ramble’. »

« Howard asked his students to imagine prettiness as the mask that power wears. »

« Just… what time is the class ?
Howard sensed the relief in the room. At least she hadn’t asked anything clever. He could tell that the class as a whole could not abide prettiness and cleverness. But she had not tried to bec lever. »

« And Jerome – Jerome’s a water sign. He’s a Scorpio like me. And that’s pretty much his character. »

« In this building Oscar Wilde once gave a lecture concerning the superiority of the lily over all the other flowers. »

« LaShonda waved her talons in a swift, economical moce, like the spreading of a fan, each nail clicking off the next. »

« You don’t even notice it – younever notice. You think it’s normal. Everywhere we go, I’m alone in this… this sea of white. I barely know any black folk any more, Howie. My whole life is white. I don’t see any black folk unless they be cleaning under my feet in the fucking café in you fucking college. Or pushing a fucking hospital bed through a corridor. I staked my whole life on you. An I have no idea any more why I did that. »

« What have you made me look like in front of everybody in this town ? You married a big black bitch and you run off with a fucking leprechaun ? »

« At her right were her friends, greeting her ; at her left, the homeless guy, jus tat her shoulder, from whom she now moved away, laughing stupidly at the idea of any connection between them. She was hugged and shaken. Here were people, friends. A boy called Ron, of delicate build whose movement were tidy and ironic, who liked to be clean, who like things Japanese. A girl called Daisy, tall and solid like a swimmer, with an all-American ingénue face, sandy hair and more of a salty manner than she required, given her looks. Daisy liked eighties romantic comedies and Kevin Bacon and thrift-store handbags. Hannah was red-headed and freckled, rational, hard-working, mature. She liked Ezra Pound and making her own clothes. Here were people. Here were tastes and buying habits and physical attributes. »

« She was thankful for yoga ; yoga allowed her to sit cross-legged on a floor cushion like a much younger woman, camouflaged among her students. »

« Claire compulsively sabotaged all possibilities of personal happiness. It seemed she was convinced that it was not happiness that she deserved. »

« She called a rose a rose. He calle dit an accumulation of cultural and biological constructions circulating around the mutually attracting binary poles of nature/artifice. »

« You looked at Felix and thought : This is what it’s all about, being this different ; this is what white people fear and adore and want and dread. He was as purely black as – on the other side of things – those weird Swedish guys with translucent eyelashes are purely white. It was like, if you looked up black in a dictionary…. It was awesome. »

« Katie loves the arts. Given her parents’ relative poverty and limited education, she knows that it would probably have made more sense for her family if she’d tried for medical school or even Harvard Law. But her parents are generous, loving people, and they support her in all her choices. »

« Her hair, in the manner of old Englsih ladies, was both voluminous and transparent, each golden curl (blue rinses having recently vanished from these isles) like gauze through which Howard could see the hallway behind. »

« Howard ordered a minicab and went outside to wait for it. When it arrived, the driver’s door opened and a young Turk in the literal sense leaned out and asked Howard a rather metaphysical question : ‘Is it you ?’ »

« Why are there are no awards for the girl who starves herself through the Christmas period – refusing all sweetmeats, roasts and liqueurs offered to her – so that she might appear at the January formal in a backless dress and toeless shoes, although the temperature is near to freezing and the snow is heavy upon the ground ? »

« A Turkey rug covers the table at which they sit. »

« Then he laughed and looked at his son with fond wonder. What a period this was to live through ! His children were old enough to make him laugh. They were real people who entertained and argued and existed entirely independantly from him, althoug he had set he thing in motion. They had different thoughts and beliefs. They weren’t even the same colour as him. They were a kind of miracle. »

« They were both nodding a lot. Sadness swept over Jerome. They had nothing to say to each other. A five-year age gap between siblings is like a garden that needs constant attention. Even three months apart allows the weed to grow up between you. »

On Beauty – Zadie Smith

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